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Optimal paint application methods ensuring the best protection and decoration properties are specified in technical charts of every product. They also contain recommended hydro-dynamic spraying parameters.

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Cleaning of load and ballast tanks

Our services also cover conducting of the following works:

internal pressure cleaning of tanks, tank washing: disinfecting, degreasing, and many more

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Sand blasting

Stream-abrasive processing, in other words sand-blasting, blast cleaning – the operation of propelling, with compressed air water or centrifugal force, a stream of abrasive material onto the cleaned surface.

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Washing surfaces with water

The most common surface contaminations include: rust and rolling scale, oil and grease, dust, loosely bound old painting layers, humidity, flux and slag, chemicals and iron filings.

Marine Coating

Our company was founded in January 2012 by separating the Świnoujście painting branch from Navikon SRY Sp. Z o.o. in Świnoujście. We specialize in protection against corrosion, cleaning of cargo and ballast tanks. Our qualified employees have a long-term and diversified experience; they have adequate qualifications and training entitling them to carry anti rust works according to the NORSK standards.



